MapsIndoors + Google Cloud

Seamlessly access MapsIndoors through the Google Cloud Marketplace.

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Why MapsIndoors on Google Cloud Marketplace?

As the only Google Maps-based indoor navigation platform offered on the Google Cloud Marketplace, GCP customers can purchase MapsIndoors directly via private offer.

What does that mean to you?

Short Procurement
Software sold through the Marketplace will be handled under a Master Marketplace Agreement (MMA) - meaning no need to go through normal procurement process of vetting as Google has done the work for you.

Reduced Time to Value
Faster deployment & buying cycles mean you get return on your investment more quickly.

Integrated Billing
Pay directly through your existing Google Cloud account! This means MapsIndoors will show up as a line item on your existing Google bill and 100% of your spend goes towards committed cloud spend on GCM.Fill out the form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

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Powerful features, inspired design, empowered businesses

With MapsIndoors, we deliver everything you need to elevate your existing solutions with indoor mapping capabilities. We take care of the details so you can focus on your business’ core.We offer various packages designed to support your specific mapping needs and tailor pricing to your business model, all in lock step with your team. This is a partnership for empowerment.

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