MapsPeople Blog

The 9 Links You Need to Get Started with MapsIndoors Development

Written by Malou Damgaard | Jan 29, 2020 1:12:15 PM

MapsIndoors is built with Google Maps technology. This ensures a well-known design and functionality for users, but it also ensures easy development and implementation of the platform.

The MapsIndoors interface and coding is inspired by how Google Maps is built. If you’re a developer, you’re probably familiar with Google Maps and know just how easy it is to work with. Well, being built with the same technology MapsIndoors is just as easy to set up and integrate into your own environment.

Just to give you an idea of how easy it actually is, here are the links to the nine documentation sites our Sales Engineer, Kristy McDougal goes through when onboarding new customers:

  1. iOS getting started
  2. iOS sample app
  3. iOS Location Sources to do dynamic overlays
  4. Android getting started
  5. Android minimum code sample
  6. Android Location Sources to do dynamic overlays
  7. Two more Android getting started examples
  8. Web getting started
  9. Integration API for making programmatic changes to the MapsIndoors backend

Test MapsIndoors before making your decision

Indoor navigation is a rather new technology, but there’s already a host of different solutions and providers to choose from in the market. This can make it difficult to figure out which solution is the best fit for your business.

With MapsIndoors you can test the demo version of our app, but you can also freely use our SDKs to integrate MapsIndoors into your existing app, or to build a custom app based on what you need. If you want to try out the MapsIndoors app, you can find it and download it from your preferred app store, and even without being an existing customer, you can try our demo version by typing “demo” into the solution ID field.

If you choose to sign up for a MapsIndoors solution after testing it, you don’t have to wait for us to digitize your floorplans before you start building your app. By using our default MapsIndoors key you can build your app on our data. Once your map is ready, just change the default key to your venue’s MapsIndoors key, and your map will now replace the default map.

When we hand over your solution, you’ll receive a login to the MapsIndoors CMS system to enable you to edit and add your own POIs, etc. In short, this means that you can thoroughly test MapsIndoors before making a decision on whether to invest in it or not, and you can begin your indoor wayfinding journey from the moment you sign the contract.

If you want to know more about MapsIndoors, reach out and we’ll be happy to tell you more about the platform, its benefits, and discuss your facility and needs.