MapsPeople Blog

MapsPeople Investment Case Analyses

Written by Ida Marie Madsen | May 18, 2021 7:09:38 AM

MapsPeople continues its journey towards its IPO and a listing on Nasdaq First North Premier. The news has gained a lot of attention and we're very humbled to see the amount of interest we've received. 

Among the attention are three analyses on the MapsPeople Investment Case, and we've compiled them here for you to take a closer look at.


HC Andersen Capital (Sponsored by MapsPeople)

A serious and in-depth analysis of MapsPeople and its IPO. 

Customers include some of the most well-known sports brands in the world and some of largest companies within different industries.

Find the analysis here.



Nyemission analyzes all new IPOs in Denmark and Sweden and concludes each analysis with Investment Highlights in the form of two to five reasons for or against investing. Nyemission is driven by Kapital Partner which is a Certified Advisor. 

Ledelsen har en meget klar og præcis vækststrategi, og har i de seneste par år udvist stærke eksekveringsevner.

Find the analysis here.


AE Investment Research 

AE Investment Research has released an impartial analysis on the MapsPeople investment case which is overall positive and finishes off with a recommendation to buy stocks. 

"I ovenstående gennemgang har jeg ud fra selskabet forventninger, historiske vækst og sammenlignelige cases prøvet at tage stilling til om børsnoteringen er interessant at deltage i. Her er der brugt multipler i den lave ende af hvad der kan forventes og vækst og multipler et stykke under hvad selskabet selv nævner er muligt og forventeligt. Ud fra de lidt mere pessimistiske beregninger finder jeg stadig casen interessant og derfor bliver dette den 3. børsnotering jeg deltager i, i 2021."

Find the analysis here.